Working with MQ was a short term contract that I sought out because they were doing an interesting shift towards lifestyle and sustainability in brand and business that I wanted to see first hand.
Going from a traditional fashion retailer with 120 stores, they took on the task to rebrand and rebuild the company to its core during a very short period of time.
Though the role was as a content producer, I got to work with the marketing manager as well as with the whole process of rebranding from concept to implementation.
Going from a traditional fashion retailer with 120 stores, they took on the task to rebrand and rebuild the company to its core during a very short period of time.
Though the role was as a content producer, I got to work with the marketing manager as well as with the whole process of rebranding from concept to implementation.
-Physical store rebranding.
-Creating high fashion retail moving media content to store screen walls.
-Creating and implementing the brands recurring sale profile.
-Creating a "system" with templates for in store prints of signs.
-How to guidelines on animation, signs etc.
-How to guidelines on animation, signs etc.
-Roll out of national campaigns in social media, including cutting/editing commercials.

We did a review of our sign system and ended up pushing a low tech solution, an interactive .PDF with forms for all the different kinds of signs we had. "The little book of signs" ended up serving as an in store guideline for how signs should look as well as source for printable custom signs.
Photo: MarQet campaign 3
In store moving media material for screen walls. Reworked the animation style set from the concept agency to also fit the current pipeline we had for social media.

Animations and social media content.
Photo: Animation made from the launch advertisment. lanseringskampanjen.
Photo: Animation made from the launch advertisment. lanseringskampanjen.

Guides for created guidelines.
Photo: Stills from the launch advertisement. lanseringskampanjen. Shots from the web store.
Photo: Stills from the launch advertisement. lanseringskampanjen. Shots from the web store.