Coming up with a whole illustration style in an afternoon, is that doable? Well, yes! Let me show you how I go about it.
I wanted to combine the 50´s surf style of Hawaii with the Japanese Kawaii style. Sort of a tribute to the melting pot of culture that is Hawaii.
I gathered a bit of material to have a heap of stuff that set the mood. I have a box in my studio with lots of postcards with 50's motif and a book with Hawaii-shirt prints and patterns. My inspiration started there.
In my opinion, an illustration style should have at least an inkling on what typography to buddy up with. So I started with that. Found a 50's vibe font called Hadfield.
All images here has a start in an AI generated image. I feel confident in taking this route as I have illustrated for 20 years and know that I can replicate every single image here from scratch. This means that these images cant be printed on large scale products etc. that is fine, its a style jam, not a full production.
I wanted to combine the 50´s surf style of Hawaii with the Japanese Kawaii style. Sort of a tribute to the melting pot of culture that is Hawaii.
I gathered a bit of material to have a heap of stuff that set the mood. I have a box in my studio with lots of postcards with 50's motif and a book with Hawaii-shirt prints and patterns. My inspiration started there.
In my opinion, an illustration style should have at least an inkling on what typography to buddy up with. So I started with that. Found a 50's vibe font called Hadfield.
All images here has a start in an AI generated image. I feel confident in taking this route as I have illustrated for 20 years and know that I can replicate every single image here from scratch. This means that these images cant be printed on large scale products etc. that is fine, its a style jam, not a full production.

The Spirits
Mischievous, colourful and cute. The spirits are the main focus off the style. They would benefit from a white edge and be made into stickers as well as some over all adjustments of color, but it's a start.
I was aiming for the Pokoyo meets nature feeling.
Mischievous, colourful and cute. The spirits are the main focus off the style. They would benefit from a white edge and be made into stickers as well as some over all adjustments of color, but it's a start.
I was aiming for the Pokoyo meets nature feeling.

Backdrop images are very much kawaii with palm trees. I like a scrapbook feeling of it.

Stickers! Stickers! Stickers!

And topping it off with a postcard from the beach. All in all, about 8 hours in total. Thanks for hanging in here!