Home rocks fill the skies of the extirpate with their foreign, ominous presence. While many are afraid of the floating rock formations, the people of the sands found the home rocks to be good shelter from the desert heat.
The relationship between [people] and the rocks was one of mutual interest, as home rocks were proven to be attracted to the ones enjoying their shelter, closing in and tethering to the earth where settlements had formed. From the home rock, roots would find their way out into the sunlight, growing and merging with structures and machinery as if wanting to become part of a greater whole.
An early settler of the extirpate, known now as the first gardener, discovered that the home rocks contained an unearthly inner, a garden of foreign plants, which required tending as much physical as social. When given care and thought plants of the garden would bear fruits granting long, healthy lives.
As the first gardener passed, she was placed to rest inside the inners of her home rock. In time her body and essence were absorbed by the home rock after which the rocks outer wall started rearranging to the form of her face. This was seen by witnesses as a sign of a union rather than one being consumed by the other.
As settlements in the sands increased, the gemlike structure of the home rocks became a more frequent sight. Some caught the interest of the citadels that transported home rocks to the citadels where they served as temple rocks. Citadel temple rocks withered as time passed, and became stagnated religious structures.
The people of the sands believed the home rocks to be alive.